§ 17.52.070. Separate approval for signs within an historic district of landmark protection area.
The appearance, color, size, position, method of attachment, texture of materials and design of such signs shall be in keeping with the collective characteristics of the structure located within the appropriate development zone shall be further limited as follows:
The zoning administrator may recommend exceptions to these requirements where it can be shown that the proposed sign is consistent with the purpose and intent of the historic district and is historically authentic. The historical commission will decide.
Off-site signs shall not be permitted. Directional signs may be permitted upon approval of the historical commission.
Business signs shall be limited to one sign only for each street frontage per premises. Businesses having frontage on more than two streets will be allowed a total of three signs.
Maximum area of any sign shall be eight square feet unless approved by the historical commission.
No sign may extend above the top of the nearest facade, eaves or firewall of a building or structure.
Design and Materials of Signs. Visible bulbs, not exceeding ten watts per bulb are allowed. Neon tubing is not allowed without permission. Plastics are not allowed. Luminous paints are not allowed. Flashing lights are not allowed.
(Ord. NS121, 1985)